Enjoy season one of YEAH, LET'S GO THERE the podcast

Season one is complete.

Look for season two coming soon.

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Andy Hill

June 6, 2014

Season 1, Episode 15

Hi, this is Andy and he is an alcoholic. But he’s not anonymous. Andy chose a different method for curing addicts: Tham Krabok in rural Thailand. A world famous monastery whose methods include a daily group vomiting session.  

You can purchase Andy's first book Mystic Fool on Amazon. Look for Purge to come out later this year.

Music in this episode: Harmonica Hop by Pengwyn in the intro.

Both io and Rivers were by Shelter 1.

By Kinack, Mossback and during the credits Cliffhanger.

Cuttie by T Ganamo. And the secret song, unmentioned in the podcast, was Chronostasis by our favorite artist: Birdmask

Engaged To Marry
J Russell Mikkelsen

May 19, 2014

Season 1, Episode 14

Joy. Happiness. Promises. Faith. Deceit. Lies. Betrayal. A story of love from beginning to end and every turn, twist, curve and pitfall in between. 

For the fifth time, we used music by Bird Mask. This track is called Fire Dance. We also heard a piece of Maulwarf's remix of Resolve by Seamless. And the talented Nicole Burke ended the episode with her original song, That Ain't Me.

This episode was updated on May 20th. Music by Megan Landry was added, called Crooked Lullaby. It's the second time we've used music by this talented teenager. 

The Right Boys For War
Sara Cohen

May 12, 2014

Season 1, Episode 13

Sara was 18 when she began her training. After four months, she began the job: interview 17 year old boys, and decide which are fit to go to war for Israel.

Music in order played: Harmonica Hop by Pengwyn during the intro. Mana by T. GanamoLost Lula by Cam Cumberland. Doubt by Birdmask. And Dancing With The Dark by a 15 year old Megan Landry. All outstanding musicians. Click the links to find more of their music. 

Nathaniel Krause

May 5, 2014

Season 1, Episode 12

Guest producer Nathaniel Krause lends us this story from his childhood. It's beautifully edited, and unlike anything we've produced on Yeah, Let's Go There. It's about home, family and belonging.

Home Pa K Pa
TJ Higgins

April 28, 2014

Season 1, Episode 11

TJ didn’t want to go to karaoke. He didn’t even want to leave the house. But his friend convinces him. And when TJ shows up, his friend is nowhere to be found. He figures he can make the most of it. But he didn’t figure the door would be locked behind him.

The soundtrack for Home Pa K Pa comes from the amazing song Misogyny by Nicholas Said, as well as samples of Passing Through by AJW Music and Bottle Neck by T. Ganamo. During the end credits Noah T's Is Anybody Home played. And, as always, Harmonica Hop by Pengwyn was used in the intro.

A Day As Princess Suzhi

April 21, 2014

Season 1, Episode 10

If you’re a foreigner in a country with no foreigners, and you challenge the Prince to a race, you’d better be prepared to give him a good race. Suzhi was prepared. The Prince was prepared too, for everything but the race.

Music by We Are The Wombats: Delzo Spells.

Intro music by Pengwyn: Harmonica Hop.

Without A Home
Zach Subar

April 14, 2014

Season 1, Episode 9

Zach was attempting a three day bike ride across part of Taiwan. On the second day, he reached his destination, Shin Chon. A town, he discovered, had no hotels or hostels.

Soundtrack came from John DePatie's EP Psychedelic Cowbow, a track titled Wind Chimes From Jupiter. And the intro theme uses Harmonica Hop by Pengwyn

Episode sponsored by The Grave Plot Podcast! Go to their website to download and subscribe. Or you can find them on Facebook or Twitter. A fun show about all things HORROR! 

There Are No Gay Bedouins
Katannya Jantzen

April 7, 2014

Season 1, Episode 8

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Katannya has traveled through the Middle East multiple times, learning all about the different cultures and her own family history. But on her first visit to Jordan, her tour guide decided to teach her about a side to Bedouins she hadn’t anticipated.   

Music: Harmonica Hop by Pengwyn. Check out Pengwyn's new project, Paugwe.

The rest of the soundtrack in today's episode came from Reverie in Green by Bird Mask. Check him out on Band Camp or Soundcloud.

A Fool in Shanghai

March 31, 2014

Season 1, Episode 7

Stumbling drunk through downtown Shanghai, Richard makes the brilliant decision to take up one of the many offers from local men to be driven to a brothel. It wasn’t until he was inside that he realized the mistake he’d made. 

Music in this week's episode comes from Pengwyn, as always. But also MC Draperies whose track Into The Universe played during the story. And .357 String Band's version of the blues grass classic Pig in a Pen closed out the show.

The Last Phone Call

March 24, 2014

Season 1, Episode 6

Photo by Ahn Jun

Photo by Ahn Jun

In the middle of the night, Sara receives a phone call that changes her life, and the lives of her two best friends. It was the last phone call she ever received from her close friend Amy.

Music in this episode appeared in this order: 

Harmonica Hop by Pengwyn. The Morning's Glory by N. Penston, Point of Origin by Crash The Bear, Jaeljo Overture from John DePatie's EP Psychedelic Cowboy, and Foreground Apathy by Discarded Telepathy played during the credits.

Coming Out 2010
Lange Lungtao

March 17, 2014

Season 1, Episode 5


Lange came out of the closet at 13 years old. His friends and peers accepted him for who he was. He wasn’t bullied. He was elected Prom King, graduated from Harvard, traveled Asia. It was a good life. Except for one small problem… his parents knew none of it.

Music in this episode includes Calm Before the Storm by Otitis (an affiliate of pXq), Acedia by Birdmask, White Flash by David Wirsig, and, as always, Harmonica Hop by Pengwyn

Bagged in Bagan
Brittney Morris & Brittany Bingold

March 10, 2014

Season 1, Episode 4


A bicycle ride through the ancient town of Bagan, Myanmar and its thousand temples, leads to a proposal… and then another. And it’s not the kind Brittney or Brittany were expecting.

Intro music uses Harmonica Hop by Pengwyn.

End credits use Dash by Arctic Avenger.

Forever in a Bathroom

March 5, 2014

Season 1, Episode 3

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Peter panics when his bathroom door won’t open during a family vacation to Italy. Desperate for escape, Peter turns to the only option he sees, despite any number of safer, more reasonable means of saving himself. 

All music in today's episode is from Harmonica Hop by Pengwyn. Check out Pengwyn's latest project Paugwé.

A Friend With Coffee
Mary-A'Lease Slusarchuk

March 4, 2014

Season 1, Episode 2


They were already planning on a weekend away together. A’Lease saw no harm in letting him spend an extra night in her guest room. She wanted her coffeemaker back and this way, he could bring it to her before the trip. Plans changed when she woke unexpectedly in the middle of the night. 

Intro music by Pengwyn. Check out his latest project: Paugwé.

During this episode we also hear We Must Learn To Enjoy The Roses by discardedtelepathy. And during the credits we get to listen to Your Fall by Birdmask

Two Black Oblong Bags
Svein Mikkelsen

March 3, 2014

Season 1, Episode 1


“What a vibrant city!” Svein thought to himself as he observed an argument from across the busy streets of Amsterdam. His excitement turned to horror when weapons were drawn and the argument deteriorated from an exuberant exchange to a footrace for survival. 

Intro music by Pengwyn. Check out their latest project: PAUGWÉ.

Other music by Koyote Patrick Polk: I Drink Because (Heart-Broken Child) and Eclipse.

Yeah, Let's Go There Preview

Feb 10, 2014

season 1 preview

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The first season of Yeah, Let's Go There the podcast premieres March 3rd! To celebrate the occasion, we will publish our first three episodes on consecutive days, March 3rd, 4th and 5th. 

Music: All Night by Parov Stelar and Aldo & Lea by Massimo Ruberti.